Somatic Experiencing

Release stored trauma and stress in the body with the help of your dedicated therapist, promoting resilience and healing.

What is Somatic Experiencing?

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-focused therapeutic approach designed to help individuals process and heal from trauma and stress. Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, SE is based on the understanding that trauma is stored in the body, not just the mind. By working directly with the body’s natural responses, SE helps release and resolve these deeply held tensions and traumas.

Unlike traditional talk therapy, which primarily engages the mind, Somatic Experiencing focuses on the sensations and physical experiences within the body. This method allows us to gently guide the body toward restoring its natural capacity for self-regulation and healing.

How Somatic Experiencing Works

In Somatic Experiencing, we pay close attention to your body’s signals—such as sensations, movements, and impulses—during our sessions. These signals often hold the key to unresolved traumas or stress that your body may still be carrying. Through careful observation and guidance, we work to release this stored energy, allowing your nervous system to return to a state of balance.

The process is gradual and non-invasive, ensuring that you feel safe and supported throughout your healing journey. By helping you reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom, SE can reduce symptoms of trauma, anxiety, and stress, leading to a greater sense of peace and well-being.

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What to Expect in a Therapy Session

somatic experiencing

During a Somatic Experiencing session, we’ll begin by creating a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your body’s responses at your own pace. We might start with a discussion of your current challenges, but the focus will quickly shift to observing and working with your physical sensations.

You’ll be guided in noticing subtle shifts in your body, such as changes in breath, tension, or energy levels. As we explore these sensations together, you may experience the gradual release of pent-up stress or trauma. This process can help restore your body’s natural rhythm, leading to profound emotional and physical healing.

Somatic Experiencing offers a gentle yet powerful way to address the impact of trauma, providing you with tools to reconnect with your body, regain control, and foster resilience. Whether you’re dealing with the aftereffects of a specific trauma or ongoing stress, SE can help you find relief and reclaim your sense of safety and vitality.

Schedule your free consultation today.

Taking the first steps to start therapy can be intimidating, let one of our skillful and compassionate therapists help you through the process. Today is the best day to start feeling better!


Check out our collection of resources to assist you in between appointments.

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